CLIENT: JSС Embamunaygas
Client: JSС Embamunaygas
Period: 2015-2016
Scope: Execution of Enhanced Oil Recovery Project (Pilot Test)
Services: Well logging, remedial cementing and enhanced oil recovery services aimed to decrease water cut using chemical reagents such as “Cosmi Nomad”, “Cosmi MOP”.
Quantity: 12 wells
Results: Successfully completed project
CLIENT: JSС Embamunaygas
Client: JSС Embamunaygas
Period: 2015-2016
Scope: Execution of Enhanced Oil Recovery Project (Pilot Test)
Services: Well logging, remedial cementing and enhanced oil recovery services aimed to decrease water cut using chemical reagents such as “Cosmi Nomad”, “Cosmi MOP”.
Quantity: 12 wells
Results: Successfully completed project
CLIENT: JSС Embamunaygas
Client: JSС Embamunaygas
Period: 2015-2016
Scope: Execution of Enhanced Oil Recovery Project (Pilot Test)
Services: Well logging, remedial cementing and enhanced oil recovery services aimed to decrease water cut using chemical reagents such as “Cosmi Nomad”, “Cosmi MOP”.
Quantity: 12 wells
Results: Successfully completed project